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Our Values at Red Ribbon Istanbul


Our vision is to be Turkey’s most trusted CSO (civil society organization) working in
the HIV field with international recognition and representation.


Our mission is:

*To contribute to the awareness about HIV-prevention, by widely sharing scientifically proven and practical HIV
information,through awareness campaigns that target specific demographic segments.

*To produce and disseminate basic information needed by HIV-positive individuals,
whether undergoing treatment or not.

*To help normalize the currently demonizing taboo perception of HIV, by bringing HIV awareness to broader segments
of societyvia entertainment, art and culture events, and other activities.

Our values


Producing credible information

with practical and tangible ideas and projects

and support these with responsible behavior



Click for our #onlinehivcounselling service

Red Ribbon Istanbul I HIV Turkey I Turkey's reliable HIV information source
Red Ribbon Istanbul I HIV Turkey I Turkey's reliable HIV information source
Red Ribbon Istanbul I HIV Turkey I Turkey's reliable HIV information source
Red Ribbon Istanbul I HIV Turkey I Turkey's reliable HIV information source
Red Ribbon Istanbul I HIV Turkey I Turkey's reliable HIV information source
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