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-Travel to Türkiye-
-Regulations on entry, stay, and residence for PLHIV-

Restriction categories relative to Türkiye;
Countries without restrictions

Entry regulations

No restrictions for PLHIV.
No HIV testing on entry.

Residence regulations

No restrictions for PLHIV individuals during residence application.

Additional information

Before marriage, state office of marriage only asks for consent of HIV negatif partner. No restriction for marriage at all.

- HIV-specific entry and residence regulations for Türkiye -

*There are no restrictions for people with HIV or AIDS. There are no specific legal regulations concerning people living with HIV or AIDS. 

*No medical certificate or HIV test result is required when entering the country. Foreigners with a known HIV infection are not subject to specific residence regulations. 

*There are no regulations regarding the control, deportation, or expulsion of those concerned.

*You may have to check specific customs regulations for importing your prescription medication. In almost all cases, importing medicines for personal use would be fine. To be on the safe side, carry a  prescription in English with you. The prescription should make no mention of HIV. Note that these recommendations are not specific to antiretroviral drugs. The customs rules apply to all prescription medication.

*Always take some days of extra medication with you. You might return differently than planned for unforeseeable reasons. Running after expensive prescription medication in a different country is cumbersome, and you might not even receive the drugs you are taking if in need.

- HIV treatment information for Türkiye -

Non-Turks must pay for medication and all HIV-related hospitalization costs in Türkiye unless they have a Turkish social security number and were diagnosed with HIV in Türkiye. However, emergency care is free for general health situations but not HIV-related treatment. Currently, almost all the antiretroviral drugs are available in Türkiye.

One can buy all medications from the pharmacy with (or w/o) prescriptions. But it does not depend on us or any NGOs. Please ask the pharmacy if they are providing drugs w/o prescriptions. You can use this link for the current price information of HIV medications.

The following hospitals admit and treat patients with HIV, but these are not the only clinics for HIV treatment. Some of these hospitals are university clinics; others are state hospitals. 

Every city has at least one Research and Education Hospital called “Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi” in Turkish, where you can talk to doctors and get HIV treatment.

- Sending medicines from abroad to Türkiye - 

Importing controlled substances is not allowed. Most over-the-counter medications are available in Türkiye. You may bring in prescription medications for your personal when you come to Türkiye, but you may not have it shipped to you.  It means that medicines cannot be sent to you from abroad during your stay in Türkiye. The medication will get stuck at customs. Current law allows prescription medicines to pass customs checkpoints only with special permits. Please bring as much medication as you will need for your entire stay.

- Some hospitals -

Here is some information about hospitals in İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir and Antalya.
You can reach us by our #OnlineHIVCounselling service for more information.


Marmara University Hospital
Infectious Diseases Department
International Patient Service (

Istanbul University Hospital

Infectious Diseases Department
Istanbul University | İstanbul Faculty of Medicine (


SB. Sisli Etfal Egitim ve Arastirma
Hastanesi Infeksiyon Hastaliklari Klinigi
Sisli Etfal Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi
34377 Sisli, Istanbul
Phone: 0212 231 2209

SB. Haseki Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi


Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi
Infeksiyon Hastaliklari Klinigi

Ankara Numune Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi
Infeksiyon Hastaliklari Klinigi


Ege Tip Fakültesi
Enfeksiyon Hastaliklari Klinigi
Ege Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi Hastanesi


Izmir Atatürk Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi


Akdeniz University Hospital

-Do you have questions?-

If you need more information or have any questions about travel to Türkiye Red Ribbon Istanbul team will be happy to answer them!
Click here for Red Ribbon Istanbul's #onlinehivcounselling service.

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